Sunday, January 31, 2010

Alpha male body language

Found this interesting article today. Body language is definitely a big part of playing the game. What do you think? :

Source: "Most men have such terrible body language that simply by learning a few secrets, you can instantly stand out from the crowd. Every man can become more attractive; body language is one of the most important for increasing your attractiveness, and making a better first impression. So what can you do starting from today?"

1. Plant yourself when standing still.
Put your feet slightly wider apart than is natural, don’t shift your weight. Notice how your feet feel planted. You can stay like this for long periods of time. This is how martial artists stand, it is a solid base.

2. Do not fidget, fiddle, or touch face.
What do you normally do with your hands? Twitching and fidgeting is very unattractive, look around and see it in other people. It makes you look nervous. Keep your hands by your sides. Place the thump on the index and middle fingers, this removes the natural need for the fingers to constantly be doing something.

3. Don’t look down.
Keep your head up. If you need to look away, look up, never look down, it’s a sign of weakness and also looks unattractive. You can observe this in others. Looking down even has been proven to have a bad effect on your mental state.

4. Make slow head movements.
High status males everywhere, on film, in business, and in your social circle have certain things in common. One of which is slow, smooth movements. Look around slowly and smoothly, don’t dart around and jolt your head around like you have been drinking espressos all day long. Think smooth, think James Bond. James Bond has very attractive body language, and smoothness and lack of fidgety movements are the main elements.

5. Walk more slowly and smoothly.
This is more high-status behaviour. By being smooth and comfortable you give off a sense of quiet confidence. You stand out from the people rushing around. In a bar or club, slow it down even more, you will stand out, in a good way.

6. Hold your drink by your side.
When you have a drink, hold it by your side. It is a blocking action to hold a drink in front of your chest.

Do these things and you will make a better first impression and stand out from the other men in a room. If you are ever internally uncomfortable, you can still appear confident and composed by following the above rules.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dress to Impress and Attract Women!

How should a man dress to impress? First, always wear clothes that correspond to the occasion. Second, always wear a well put-together outfit.

If you have trouble deciding on what to wear, it is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. You wouldn’t want to show up in casual wear for dinner at an expensive restaurant with a woman dressed to kill. A man should always be dressed to meet the occasion or situation. No matter where you are going with a woman, you should always be wearing clean, well-kept clothes. Believe it or not, women prefer clothes that are well-kept and clean to clothes that are worn out or dirty! That may seem obvious to you, but it is important to remember. By taking care of how you look, and by showing some style, you show women that you really care about your presentation – and women notice!

Always… Look Your Best!

You should always take the time to look your best whenever you go out. You never know when you may have the opportunity to meet a stunning, beautiful woman – the grocery store, Laundromat, or coffee shop. Be sure to pay attention to the whole outfit. It’s worth the extra money to buy your self some nice clothes to wear out. And don’t forget about the shoes or boots, a new belt and a nice watch. Accessories do make a huge difference.

If you wear a well put-together outfit you will look sharp and portray more confidence.

The way you dress actually will change how you behave. Think about it- if you wore a clown costume all day, you would feel silly and goofy. So if you want to have more sex appeal, wear something that makes you feel sexy. Women will respond to the image you project. Figure out what image you portray now and then make the necessary changes in your wardrobe to attain your desired image. Whatever image you want to give women be sure to act the part. You should consider all behavior that attributes to your overall personal image – physical gestures, eye contact. Use your clothes to emphasize your desired image.

With all my experience, and from talking with other guys, a successful look to maintain is to wear a pair of nice pressed or ironed pants and a sport shirt. Add to these basics a trendy blazer, leather jacket or simple sport coat. Wear some good-quality stylish leather shoes or boots (match your leather jacket if you wear one!) and be sure to always keep your shoes polished.

Be sure to show good taste. The whole outfit can be relaxed, trendy, conventional, or professional, but any route you take you must look sharp.

Try to stay away from wearing a tie. You want to stay loose and approachable – not uptight or snobby looking. A simple well put-together outfit is best. You’ll be more successful with women than you’ve ever imagined if you wear a clean, classic, well put-together outfit that exudes style and self-pride.
Refine Your Looks Women notice every little thing about a man’s grooming. Every time they see a guy they go through a mental checklist. Is his hair washed and styled?

Are his fingernails clean or manicured? Are his shoes polished? Clothes clean? Is he bathed? Does he smell good? These things really matter to women! Clean and neat counts! Find a grooming regime that works for you and stay polished!

Always, I repeat ALWAYS, shower and shave and use deodorant before going out to meet a woman. You might think the smell of your sweat is manly and sexy, but most women would strongly disagree! Hold off on sharing your rugged body odor until you’re hot and heavy in bed. If you are going out specifically to meet new women or for a date, be sure to take some extra time getting ready. Show women that you care about your appearance.

Make sure your hair is done properly and your nails are filed and cleaned. Brush your teeth and use cologne -not too much though, as women generally have a better sense of smell than men. Take pride in how you look, and you instantly improve your chances of success!

Do's and Dont's of body language

* Lean in
* Act stiff
* Crack your knuckles
* Have a weak handshake
* Fidget
* Lick your lips
* Stare
* Look down or away

* Lean back
* Laugh and smile (when you’re having fun, not in general)
* Keep your head up
* Lift your chest
* Walk with purpose
* Take up space
* Hands at sides, in front or back pockets, or crossed
* Act relaxed

Attract your woman - talk about her

Always bring the conversation back to her. Gently discover what she likes, what she dreams about, what attracts her, what turns her on, and then turn the conversation in that direction. Don't talk about yourself. She may ask about you, but only tell the basics, then talk again about her. This will cultivate a slight air of mystery, which will only serve to enhance your standing. 

Girls like mystery. She might just turn the tables and try figure out ways to seduce you instead.

Seduction Technique - Take it easy

Everyone knows the type of guy in a group that no one can stand. He may be obnoxious, loud, strange, or just unappealing, but there is usually one thing in common with all these people: they try too hard! 

This applies to flirting as well. When you try too hard to be funny or to attract a girl, you will drive them away. It's very obvious to a girl when a guy is trying to flirt with her and you will  come across as desperate. Don't focus on making a girl laugh or trying to tease them.Observe their body language. Focus on having a good time and include her in it.

Seduction weapon - Your confidence

The most important thing that you can equip yourself with to attract beautiful women is this – your confidence. If you do not believe in yourself and what you can do, then girls will feel the same way. They can detect wusses. If you are a wuss deep inside, then the girls will see this. Say goodbye to your chances of being with her.

Always bring your confidence along and I guarantee that you will start attracting girls like bees to honey.

Seduction Technique - Sexual innuendo

Once she has opened up to you, insinuate subtle sexual suggestions by hinting that you’ve always been attracted to a woman very much like her. Compliment her and comment about how pretty she looks or how you love the way she laughs and smiles. This technique may sound cheesy and simple but this is a tried and proven method to attract girls.

Seduction Technique: Your friend is better

If you notice a girl that you like but she is with one of her friends, try this approach.

My favorite way to do this is to talk to the 'uglier' friend first in order to make the hot one jealous... because if you talk to the hot one directly the other might like you too and get jealous... then she will do just about anything to ruin your chances with her friend - not good!

Go up to the ugly one and say something like 'I really like your (insert something : pants, shirt, hair... anything) then after she says thanks quickly move on to the hot one and give her a compliment also... then keep talking to BOTH of them for a while, but gradually focusing more on the hot one, until the point comes when you are only talking to her... then end the conversation by getting her number and setting up a date."

Try this seduction technique out and start attracting the beautiful women of your dreams.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Seduction Technique - Use an interesting and funny opener

Want to learn how to pick up women and bring them home?

Hear this: The first thing you say to a woman sets the tone of the ENTIRE conversation. You need to use a funny and interesting opener that'll attract her attention

Your goal when you first approach a woman is get a woman talking and make her interested in you. Typically you can accomplish this with an opener that asks her opinion on something. All you have to do is craft an opener which will pique her interest.

The opener can be anything from asking an opinion on your friend's girlfriend trouble all the way to getting her opinion on which type of cologne you use. As long as you do this in a funny manner, you'll at least get her talking."

Remember this technique well and start seducing the hottest girls now.

How to attract beautiful women

If you are thinking about how to attract beautiful women then I have found that one of the best ways to get a girl is to start learning how to talk to girls and observing body language.
It might not seem to be the fastest way to pick up women but you will soon find out that it is the best way to get hot girls to like you.

I will show you how to be a pick up artist and get attractive beautiful women.